Credit cards are an extremely powerful financial tool, but it can also damage your credit score and get you into debt. That said, credit card debts can easily be avoided as long as you keep track of your spending habits ...
Unlike whole life insurance, term insurance lasts a certain number of years (usually between 5 and 30 years). So, when you purchase a term insurance policy, it’s important to opt for the right term. Here, we tell you what factors ...
A reverse mortgage gives you access to funds in exchange for a percentage of the equity in your home. This type of loan is a great option if you require funds, provided you intend to continue staying in your home ...
Look at Houses Within Your Budget If you get pre-approved for a loan of $400,000, don’t look at houses exceeding that amount. Don’t think that if you place an offer of a higher amount, the bank will approve it. Most ...
If you had to pay for certain medical expenses out of your pocket, it’s best to keep the receipts handy since you may be able to claim tax deductions. To make the best use of these tax benefits, it’s important ...
Personal loans can help you cover expenses and any unexpected medical bills. You can repay the loan in monthly instalments with interest. Most personal loans are unsecured, meaning they require no collateral to be placed, unlike standard loans. Based on ...
The debt you have impacts your spending ability, how much you can borrow, and your chances of being approved for a new line of credit like a credit card or loan. Your debt has a direct and significant impact on ...
As a result of climate change concerns and drastically changing oil prices, commuters all over the world are seeking alternative, greener modes of transport. The hybrid car has risen to the challenge – its occupies a middle ground between gas-fuelled ...